January 21-23, 2025 Mid-Winter Board Meeting in Savannah, GA

PNBC and National Training School for Women and Girls

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The National Training School for Women and Girls and the Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. Historic District stand as monumental symbols of educational and civil rights progress in the United States. This historic district, recognized under DC Criterion B (History) and National Register Criterion A (Events) and C (Individual), holds profound importance for several reasons.

What you need to know

2025 PNBC Mid-Winter Registration Extended thru January 5, 2025

Jan. 21-23, 2025 Mid-Winter Board Meeting in Savannah, GA


Social Justice Commission—Get Involved!

The Social Justice Commission is to affirm and actualize the founding vision of the Convention to be a radical community of Baptists committed to advancing human and civil rights in the United States and abroad through policy advocacy, congregational mobilization, community education, and direct action.





social justice scale

what we offer

Humanitarian Support

In no area is the stewardship of the Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc., more radiant than in the struggle for civil rights and human rights.

Disaster Preparedness

Hurricane season is from June 1-November 30. Each year parts of the country are devastated by hurricanes. PNBC will keep the members informed of how they can help during these significant weather events.

Congress of Christian Education

The Congress of Christian Education shall in cooperation with the Board of Christian Education and Publications be responsible for planning the programs of Christian leadership education at the annual session.

PNBC and Your Family

Singles In Ministry

S.E.E.DS Singles Equipping, Encouraging, Disciplining and Supporting 4 Christ is to be an outreach arm of PNBC Inc.


All PNBC youth between the ages of 5 and 18 are encouraged and welcome to participate in the PNBC Youth Department.

Couples in Ministry

We are calling forth all Clergy Couples, Ministry Mates, Pastors & Spouses, Associate Ministers, and Spouses for a time empowerment!

Presidential Initiatives

Presidents' Timeline