Register for the Annual Session in New Orleans! August 4th-8th
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Social Justice in Action

The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act (H.R. 4 / S 4) is proposed federal legislation that ensures any changes to local or state elections are federally reviewed — a process known as preclearance, which was part of the original Voting Rights Act of 1965. This Act has been proposed to ensure social justice will prevail as it pertains to voting rights for all Americans.




The bill would restore the full protections of the original, bipartisan Voting Rights Act, including:

  • Creating a new coverage formula that hinges on a finding of repeated voting rights violations in the preceding 25 years, measured on a rolling basis.
  • Establishing “practice-based preclearance” for reviewing voting changes focused on measures that have historically been used to discriminate against voters of color.
  • Electoral districts that qualify for preclearance will be covered for 10 years, but they can be extracted from federal review if they establish a clean record during that period.


Progressive National Baptist Convention Inc. was born in the height of the civil rights movement. Attacking the voting rights act is a challenge to the legacy of our convention and to democracy. As a convention and Christ centered believers we must respond to this attack on human liberty. Please join us Monday, March 21, 2022 on Capitol Hill as we hold a press conference and march to protect voting rights and uphold democracy in this country.

My Brothers and Sisters, as the denominational Home of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., it is in our DNA to speak up and speak out regarding social justice and the rights of our people. The disregard and disrespect of civil rights is unacceptable. We are calling on Congress to vote and pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and the Freedom To Vote Act, along with other issues that are pertinent.


We need your presence and support. We will follow-up with everyone and have training to inform you of what will take place and other measures and resources needed to have a successful event. The more people able to attend, the more impact this Call to Action will have. We believe we all have come to the Kingdom for such a time as this.

PNBC, we must act!

Because of Calvary,
Rev. David R. Peoples, President


  1. Contact regional and state pastors to ensure that they are informed and equipped to mobilize their members in support of the John Lewis Voting Rights Act.
  2. Have a voice in the public square, write op-eds for your local media outlets, calling for congress to pass (H.R.4 / S4) immediately.
  3. Send letters or emails on behalf of your region or state to the Senate urging the passing of (S4)
    *see email template below*
  4. Empower your congregation by sharing on Sunday morning the attached video from President Peoples or Posting the attached statement in your Sunday bulletin
  5. Make a statement to your congregation about the importance of the bill and invite them to make a call to your state senators.
  6. Post one of the attached graphics on your social media.


  1. Send letters or emails to your two state senators (Click to find your senators) on behalf of your church urging the passing of (S4)
    *see email template below*
  2. Empower your congregation by sharing on Sunday morning the attached video from President Peoples or Posting the attached statement in your Sunday bulletin
  3. Make a statement to your congregation about the importance of the bill and invite them to make a call to your state senators.
  4. Post one of the attached graphics on your social media.


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