Register for the Annual Session in New Orleans! August 4th-8th
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Couples in Ministry


Dr. Michael & Dr. Tamara Scott
Brother Aristide & Dr. Christine Smith, Jr.


The mission of the “PNBC Couples in Ministry Fellowship” is to nurture, encourage, and build healthy, whole, biblically based marriage relationships among couples in the preaching/pastoral ministry.


Through the PNBC Couples in Ministry Fellowship, couples in the preaching/pastoral ministry are encouraged, nurtured, and equipped to develop and maintain healthy, biblically based marriage relationships. Scriptural basis: I Peter 4:8, NIV “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins”


We are calling forth all Clergy Couples, Ministry Mates, Pastors & Spouses, Associate Ministers, and Spouses for a time empowerment! Couples have been serving together in ministry as early as “Adam & Eve”, Abraham &  Sarah, “Aquilla & Priscilla” and the list goes on.

This new initiative launch will feature an interactive panel discussion with clergy couples from multiple generations sharing the following topics: Getting and remaining on one accord through prayer, love, and commitment; Supporting one another as we each lead in various arenas (putting the other first and “crucifying our flesh”); Mutual respect for one another; Seeing our respective roles as a “calling” (spouses of pastors/clergy are “called” as well); How to be a good listener/encourager; nurturing intimacy.

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