Save the Date! 64th Annual Session in Chicago, IL July 20-23

Women in Ministry Initiative

Women in Ministry Initiative


Rev. Dr. Jacqueline Thompson, Chairperson
Senior Pastor, Allen Temple Baptist Church, Oakland, CA


“The purpose of this new initiative is to provide spiritual support, affirmation to those female preachers, pastors, and other female ministry leaders that are in areas of leadership usually held by males, such as deacons, Christian Education Directors, and Superintendents within Progressive National Baptist Convention.


The goal of the initiative is to provide a means for women to come together and to develop plans for assuring that women ministers, and pastors are visible, developed and involved within our convention. This ministry will focus on assisting women pastors, preachers, and lay leaders in celebrating their calling and to fulfill their Kingdom destiny in the role to which God has called and assigned them. The goal is to equip, empower, and enlighten women in developing their gifts and call as pastors, preachers and lay leaders with a special emphasis for pastor/preachers to embrace their calling to preach realizing that a call to preach comes from solely from God, without repentance.”



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