Patricia Sewell, Vice-President-At-Large (WV)
Verdell Beckham, 1 st Vice-President
Beverly Duckett, 2nd Vice-President (IN)
Milliceson Hayes, Recording Secretary
Mary Pritchett, Assistant Recording Secretary
Carolyn Dudley, Corresponding Secretary (DC)
Martha Borrum, Financial Secretary
Doris Guest, Assistant Financial Secretary
Pauline Allen, Instructor
Ulysses Sherman Price–Assistant Instructor (MD)
Orlando Epting, Assistant Instructor
James Brown, Chaplain
James Springfield, Assistant Chaplin
Jeanette Corkley, Assistant Chaplain
Barbara Wells, Parliamentarian
Faith Givens, Dean
Gladys Gualett, Assistant Dean
Barbara Simmons Smith, Historian
Genova Smith, Assistant Historian
Daniel Martin, Liaison
The Progressive National Baptist Convention Ushers shall be responsible for working with, inspiring, and challenging the Ushers of the Progressive National Baptist Convention to fully support the objectives of the Convention. The Ushers of the Progressive National Baptist Convention may establish such organizational structure and develop such programs as may be necessary, under the rules and regulations of the Convention, to harmoniously promote the objectives of the Convention.
3a. The Progressive National Baptist Convention Ushers shall have the power and responsibility of organizing a Young Adult Ushers Department whose policies and practices will be determined by the ushers, and who shall be responsible in their performances to the Ushers.
Eastern – Patricia Sewell (WV)
Midwest – Beverly A. Duckett (IN)
Southwest – Raymond Shepherd (CA)
Southern – James R. Williams (FL)