Save the Date! 64th Annual Session in Chicago, IL July 20-23



Executive Director of Missions, Dr. Noel Hutchinson
Vice-President at-Large, Bishop Karen Belton (SC)
1st Vice-President, Rev. George Williams, Jr. (IN)
2nd Vice-President, Rev. Charles Bynum II (MD)

The PNBC Missions Ministry is a vibrant, empowering, impactful, and holistic, 21st Century mission movement in the spirit of our convention.

Stay tuned for updates both here, and through updated links to our upcoming digital magazine. To God be the Glory!



The PNBC Missions Ministry tasks itself with being a Christian witness based on James 2:14-17, in showing our faith through tangible works that help those in need. The fires in southern California impacted people across social strata. We recognize that disaster relief is the first line of addressing these things. However, we still find areas in the gaps that need us. The Altadena community is virtually wiped out. In this spirit, the Missions Ministry is looking at the following areas needing us:

The Holy Assembly COGIC, Pasadena, CA, is providing meals and assisting with temporary housing. Several Convoy of Hope vehicles are being sent to this churchtargeting Altadena. In the future, we will coordinate sending at least one to them based on need determined by this partner on the ground.

Second Baptist Church, a PNBC church, had 5 families who have lost everything, and several more who are evacuees. They also assist in getting the correct FEMApaperwork.

We are also looking into churches that have lost buildings and need monies for rental space.

We propose to support these churches in the following ways:

PNBC Missions Ministry will begin our effort with a seed of $10,000 split between both churches. We ask each of our member churches to designate a Sunday to raise funds for this effort. We ask that you choose a Sunday that works for you and send it to PNBC Missions at Headquarters. Put in the memo ‘Missions—LA fires”. If you send it through the website or Givelify, go to Missions—LA fires fund.

Please send your monies no later than March 11, 2025. Anything received after that date will go to our Missions Ministry general fund.

Keep in mind the people of these communities have long-term adjustments to make. We will periodically come to you in support of our brothers and sisters in the greater Los Angeles area. We will prayerfully move forward. If you wish to partner with us, please send support to PNBC Missions—LA fires fund.

Thanks for your support!



Missions Department Projects

The PNBC Compassion Sunday. Register your church!

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Register at

PNBC Sponsor a Child Campaign-Compassion

Make a disciple through sponsoring a child today. Help today at


Your Continued Support is Appreciated. Please give today! 

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