Save the Date! 64th Annual Session in Chicago, IL July 20-23

MidWest Region

MidWest Region


Vice-President Rev. Edward Turner, New Revelation (IN)
1st Vice-President Rev. Charles Adams, (MI)
2nd Vice-President Rev. Darryl Gray, Greater Fairfax MBC (MO)
Recording Secretary (Vacant)
Asst. Recording Secretary Patricia Mitchell, Pleasant Ridge MBC (IL)
Financial Secretary Mary Taylor, New Mount Mariah (IN)
Corresponding Secretary Kenneth Harris, Resurrection MBC (IL)  

Moderators Department 

Vice-President, Rev. Raimon Prince, Assembly Baptist Church, (OH)
1st Vice-President, Rev. Elmer Lesure, Greater St John MBC, (IL)
2nd Vice-President, Rev. Clifton Caldwell, New Prospect MBC, (IL)
Secretary, Rev. Justin Kidd, Antioch Baptist Church, (IN)                  

Healthcare Ministry

Vice-President, Shirley Taylor, New Mt. Moriah Baptist Church, (IN)
1st Vice-President, Diane Clements Walton, Progressive B. C., (IL)
2nd Vice-President, Rev. Lady Vanessa Redd, Big Zion MBC, (IL)
Recording Secretary, Annette Price, Mt. Zion BC, (IN)
Asst. Recording Secretary, Donna Montgomery, New Prospect MBC, (IL)
Financial Secretary, Elaine Lee, Hartford Memorial B.C., (MI)
Asst. Financial Secretary (Vacant)
Corresponding Secretary, Margaret Whetstone, Bethlehem Temple BC, (IL)

Congress of Christian Education

Vice-President, Deacon Regina Gibson Hartford Memorial Baptist Church (MI)
1st Vice-President, Rev. Dr. Clifton Caldwell, New Prospect MBC (IL)
2nd Vice-President, (Vacant)
Dean, Maryann Tippett, Revelation MBC (MO)
Assistant Dean, Dr. Christine A. Smith Restoration Ministries of Greater Cleveland, Inc. (OH)
Secretary, Kimberly Perkins, Hartford Memorial Baptist Church (MI)
Financial Secretary, Mary L Taylor, New Mt Moriah M.B. Church (IN)
Advisor, Camille Thompson Burse, Bethlehem Temple M.B. Church (IL)

Women’s Department:

Vice-President, Corinne Skerritt, Hartford Memorial BC, (MI)
1st Vice-President, Alice Hegwood, Clark Road Baptist Church, (IN)
2nd Vice-President, Hortense Springfield, New Revelation BC, (IN)
Recording Secretary, Minister Joeann Harris, Olivet Institutional, (OH)
Asst. Recording Secretary, Charlotte Waterford, South Park Baptist Church, (IL)
Corr. Secretary, Geraldine Burton-Wilson, New Revelation BC, (IN)
Financial Secretary, Sheila Sparkman, Trinity Baptist, (IN)
Treasurer, Betty Porter, Friendship BC, (MI)
Parliamentarian, Kendra Taylor, Pleasant Green BC, (KY)
Historian, Dorothy Jones, Solomon Temple BC, (MO)
Nomination Chair (Vacant)          

Young Adult

Vice-President, Tanisha Kidd, Antioch Church (IN)
1st Vice-President, Karryngton Johnson, Hartford Memorial Baptist Church, (MI)
2nd Vice-President, Bernice Sellers, Antioch Church (IN)
Treasurer, Minister Keinan M. Ross, Highland MB Church, Kansas City, (MO)
Corresponding Secretary, Wydeia Mitchell, Antioch Church (IN)
Recording Secretary, (Vacant)

Youth Department 

Vice-President, Moniece Johnson, Clark Road Baptist Church (IN)
1st Vice-President, Kaicie Norment, New Revelation BC (IN)
2nd Vice-President (Vacant)
Treasurer, Alexander Boatner, Hartford Memorial Baptist Church, (MI)
Youth and Young Adult Activity Director (Vacant)
Youth Director, Kwanjulyn Norment, New Revelation (IN)
Asst. Youth Director, Minister Maisha Lindsey, Hartford Memorial Baptist Church (MI)
Advisor, Soozie Cotton, Clark Road Baptist Church (IN)

Laymen’s Dept.

Vice-President, Deacon George L. Williams, Mount Zion MBC, (IN)
1st Vice-President, Deacon Andre Journey, Revelation MBC, (MO)
2nd Vice-President, Deacon Jerome Lewis, Antioch MBC, (IN)
Secretary, Deacon Jerome Lewis, Antioch MBC, (IN)
Treasurer, Deacon Kenneth Curry, Calvary MBC, (MI)
Historian, Pastor Thurmond Caldwell, Memorial, (MO)

Ushers Department

Vice-President, Doris Guest, Christian Valley Baptist Church (IL)
1st Vice-President, Barbara S. Smith, Hartford Memorial Baptist Church (MI)
2nd Vice-President, Vernon Allen, Assembly Baptist Church (OH)
Recording Secretary, Deborah Boatner, Hartford Memorial Baptist Church (MI)
Asst. Recording Secretary, Brigette Goode, Hartford Memorial BC (MI)
Corresponding Secretary, Mattie Williams, Macedonia Tabernacle BC (IL)
Financial Secretary, Mary Talley-Pritchett, Greater New Mt. Moriah MBC (MI)
Asst. Financial Secretary, Linnette Hardy-Skinner, Tabernacle BC (IN)
Instructor, Delhia Faye Williams, Pioneer Missionary Baptist Church (IL)
Assistant Instructor, James Springfield, New Revelation MBC (IN)
Chaplain, Margaret Black, Hartford Memorial BC (MI)
Asst. Chaplains, Laura Burt, Hartford Memorial BC (MI)
Deacon Debra Hicks, Hartford Memorial BC (MI)
Parliamentarian, Ida Daney, Hartford Memorial BC (MI)
Historian, Shirley Davis, New Mount Moriah BC (IN)
Assistant Historian, Constance Frame, Greater Christ Baptist BC (MI)
Dean, Ella Carr, New Mount Moriah BC (IN)

General Information


Monday, April 21, 2025






April 21-24, 2025
Kalamazoo, MI

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Kalamazoo, MI

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