Save the Date! 64th Annual Session in Chicago, IL July 20-23



Vice President-at-Large-Deacon Melvin L Smith, Jr (DC)
First Vice-President-Deacon Jimmie L. Harrington (SC)
Second Vice-President-Deacon Michael Maxwell (TN)
Recording Secretary-Deacon Robert Borrum (MS)
Assistant Recording Secretary-(VACANT)
Corresponding Secretary-Deacon Michael Maxwell (TN)
Assistant Corresponding Secretary-(VACANT)
Treasurer-Deacon Calvin Larts (MD)
Assistant Treasurer-(VACANT)
Financial Secretary-Deacon Wallace Turman (AL)
Assistant Financial Secretary-(VACANT)
Program Chair-Deacon Michael Maxwell (TN)

Regional Vice Presidents
Eastern-Deacon Calvin Larts (MD)
Mid -West-Deacon George Williams (IN)
Southern-Deacon Michael Maxwell (TN)
Southwest-Deacon Michael Johnson (CA)


Evangelism-Deacon Jimmie L. Harrington (SC)
Historical-Deacon Benjamin F Johnson (NC) & Deacon Leonard R. Sanders, Jr (DC)
Christian Education-Deacon Michael Johnson (CA) & Deacon George Williams (IN)
Souvenirs/Awards-Deacon George Williams (IN) & Deacon Percy Davis (DC)
Social Justice-Deacon Maurice Williams (NC)
Voter Registration-(VACANT)
Nominating Committee-Deacon Michael Johnson (CA)
Prison Ministry-(VACANT)
Publicity- Regional Vice Presidents

Committed and dedicated men promoting the cause of Christ.

Empower Laymen to increase God's Kingdom through service to others with integrity, dedication, and commitment

To be Christ like examples in everyday living, consciously living our lives with others in mind; To nurture the Christian life of Laymen through study, worship, fellowship and service. To provide a resource center of manpower for the work of the Convention; To enlist all the men in active Christian service to the Church through local congregation; To encourage Laymen to support the financial program of the Convention; To equip and mobilize Laymen to infiltrate the unchurched world with the Gospel. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor: He hath sent me to heal the broken hearted, to preach deliverance to the captive, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised.  Each Brother reach one until Jesus Come  Luke 4:18" "



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