Register for the Annual Session in New Orleans! August 4th-8th
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Health Ministry

Health Ministry


Vice-President At-Large-Diane Clements-Walton (IL)
1st Vice-President-Elaine Lee (MI)
2nd Vice-President-Angelina Fox (TN)
Recording Secretary-Min. Vanessa Redd
Corresponding Secretary-Nadolyn Booker (TN)
Financial Secretary-Joyce Murrell (TN)
Chaplin-Deacon C. Lousie Brown (IL)

The Health Ministry Department is pleased to work with member church congregations to develop and maintain healthier lifestyles. We are asking each pastor to develop or strengthen the health ministry within your local church. The Church Nurse Ministry and/or the Health Ministry within each congregation can do great things to help each person become healthier. In keeping with 2 Chronicles 7:14, we see our responsibility as working with you to “heal the land” one person at a time physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.



All information and resources found on are based on the opinions of the PNBC Health Ministry or the named service provider unless otherwise noted. All information is offered and intended for health, fitness and nutritional educational purposes only. Please do not rely on any information contained herein without first consulting with your licensed medical provider.


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