Congress of Christian Education
Rev. Dr. Clifton Caldwell, Vice-President-At-Large (IL)
Rev. Dr. Randy Ware, 1st Vice-President
Rev. Dr. Leverette Bryant, Sr., Dean (IL)
Cheryl R. Davis-Reeves, Secretary (SC)
Deacon Regina A. Gibson, Assistant Secretary (MI)
Marsha B. Earl, Treasurer (IL)
Deacon Henry Sellars, Director General (DC)
Mary Ann Tippett, Assistant Director General
The Congress of Christian Education shall in cooperation with the Board of Christian Education and Publications be responsible for planning the programs of Christian leadership education at the annual session of the Convention, on behalf of the Convention and its Departments. Such programs shall be geared toward carrying out the purposes and objectives of the Convention in harmony with and supported by the parent body of the Convention. The Congress may establish such organizational structure and develop such programs as may be necessary under the rules and regulations of the Convention to harmoniously promote the objectives of the Convention.