Save the Date! 64th Annual Session in Chicago, IL July 20-23

Disaster Preparedness

Disaster Preparedness

The Progressive National Baptist Convention continues to place emphasis on developing a more comprehensive Disaster Preparedness Program which provides timely support, meaningful services and technical assistance to communities impacted by the growing number of natural disasters in the South and Central United States. Presently, the PNBC Disaster Preparedness Program is playing a critical role in promoting awareness, training through education and forming alliances in supporting long term recovery efforts in areas devastated by hurricanes, tornadoes and other natural disasters. Our international organization has aggressive protocols in place to aid community base organizations, interface with key leadership, and faith-based groups as we expand the necessary core competencies to respond, aid and assist people during these type tragedies.

Over the last six years, Rooms To Go, Inc., a highly regarded national corporation has been a premiere corporate sponsor and supporter of PNBC’s Disaster Preparedness Program. Due to their generosity, PNBC has been able to conduct training sessions throughout many Southern and South central communities along with delivering non perishables food items, blankets and supplies to hundreds of families. Partnerships and alliances currently exist with a host of businesses, American Red Cross, FEMA, VOAD and local, state, regional and Federal Agencies.


PNBC Disaster Relief Task Force Responds to Hurricane IAN
HURRICANE IAN copy (002)

Hurricane IAN has been elevated to a category 4 storm. It has lashed Florida, including the Florida Coast and inland areas. IAN has also hit Georgia and just made landfall in South Carolina. In its wake, this horrific storm has caused loss of life, property damage, and even the devastation of rural and urban communities.

Hurricane IAN remains active and has gained momentum inland where it was not projected to penetrate. Also, it’s drawing moisture from the Atlantic and could very well stall in unanticipated locations. Federal, Regional, and State Authorities have described this catastrophic storm as being one of the worst in history.

President Peoples strongly encourages members of the Executive Board, Regional Vice Presidents, State Presidents, Moderators, and Pastors, to take the lead in emphasizing the importance of having strong relationships and close bonds with Regional and State disaster agencies. The significance of our churches working locally with agencies and organizations, including the American Red Cross, EMS, FEMA, and VOAD, as well as other agencies, provide an invaluable service. We must ensure our communities are not overlooked or left out when critical services and support are needed to respond to national disasters quickly.

By receiving real-time information, pastors can then be assured they are positioned best to appraise our local churches on relief and disaster matters. Additionally, the timely dissemination of information from emergency management organizations to the local community is vital to its overall safety and well-being.

As your Disaster Chairman, I am interfacing directly with the National Emergency Organizations to include President Biden’s White House faith-based coordinator in discussing the devastation and destruction of Hurricane IAN.

PNBC Pastors and State Presidents have already begun asking where they can send contributions. All contributions should be sent to the PNBC Headquarters and designated on the note line: PNBC Disaster Relief Hurricane IAN. We closely monitor hurricane IAN to keep You informed as we move forward. Let us be in constant prayer and be guided by our Sovereign God as we endeavor to do his will in carrying out the work that he would have us to do in His name.

Dr. Frankie T. Jones, Sr.
Chair, PNBC Disaster Relief Task Force

Dr. David Peoples
PNBC National President



Hurricane Ian in Florida

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