Save the Date! 64th Annual Session in Chicago, IL July 20-23

Couples in Ministry

Dr. Michael & Dr. Tamara Scott
Brother Aristide & Dr. Christine Smith, Jr.

The mission of the “PNBC Couples in Ministry Fellowship” is to nurture, encourage, and build healthy, whole, biblically based marriage relationships among couples in the preaching/pastoral ministry.

Through the PNBC Couples in Ministry Fellowship, couples in the preaching/pastoral ministry are encouraged, nurtured, and equipped to develop and maintain healthy, biblically based marriage relationships. Scriptural basis: I Peter 4:8, NIV “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins”

We are calling forth all Clergy Couples, Ministry Mates, Pastors & Spouses, Associate Ministers, and Spouses for a time empowerment! Couples have been serving together in ministry as early as “Adam & Eve”, Abraham &  Sarah, “Aquilla & Priscilla” and the list goes on.

This new initiative launch will feature an interactive panel discussion with clergy couples from multiple generations sharing the following topics: Getting and remaining on one accord through prayer, love, and commitment; Supporting one another as we each lead in various arenas (putting the other first and “crucifying our flesh”); Mutual respect for one another; Seeing our respective roles as a “calling” (spouses of pastors/clergy are “called” as well); How to be a good listener/encourager; nurturing intimacy.



Join the PNBC Couples in Ministry for an unforgettable adventure abroad the Royal Caribbean Wonder of the Seas. This special getaway is designed for clergy and their spouses to enjoy meaningful fellowship  with other ministry couples, strengthen their marriages, and refresh their spirits while sailing the beautiful Caribbean. Don't miss this opportunity to relax, connect, and create lasting memories!

PNBC Couples in Ministry 2025 Caribbean Cruise


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