January 21-23, 2025 Mid-Winter Board Meeting in Savannah, GA

Thank You For Celebrating With Us

On behalf of myself, my wife Lady Sharon Stewart, 1st Vice, Reverend David Peoples, 2nd Vice, Rev. Dr. Keith Byrd, Sr., our General Secretary, Dr. A. Wayne Johnson, and Steering Committee Chair, Dr. Ralph Canty, Sr., I extend a heartfelt thank you to each person that joined us for our 60th Annual Session.

The Rev. John Robert Lewis

The Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. Celebrates the life and witness of one of our Convention’s beloved soldiers, Congressman, The Rev. John Robert Lewis, a National treasure and legendary Civil and Human Rights Icon.

PNBC Annual Session and COVID

On January 21, 2020 a young man in Washington State was diagnosed with novel coronavirus (covid-19), by February 26th we had our first case with a citizen with no travel history and by March 13th the President declared we had a national emergency as the pandemic reached all corners of the world.